a logical approach to understanding contact and the implications of uFO disclosure
Hello, my name is Reed Summers.
I write and speak on the UFO/UAP phenomenon and its disclosure to the public and teach a logical and comprehensive approach for understanding visitation by non-human intelligence (NHI) and our human evolution within in a universe of intelligent life.
On the podcast I aim to deliver clarity amidst the confusion of today’s discourse on Contact in order to equip listeners to think critically about the questions that matter most:
- Who or what is visiting our world?
- What are the most probable explanations for the visitor’s intent?
- What does this visitation mean for humanity and for the global public?
- How should we respond?
Not convinced the UAP/NHI phenomenon is real? Head over to Evidence and Indications
I’m proposing a framework to determine the reality behind UFOs and the larger event of Contact with non-human intelligence.
It is critical we start thinking the right way regarding UFOs and Contact. That doesn’t mean thinking alike or coming to the same conclusions. It means engaging in a cognitive process that engages our full suite of human capabilities—including reason and logic—in order to move from speculation to certainty regarding the nature, intent and activity of the non-human intelligence present in our world, while remaining grounded in the objective realities of the phenomenon and collecting better data regarding the phenomenon taking place.

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This 4-week course is part of the New Paradigm Institute in their program on the “History, Law, Politics and Technology of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.” In this course I will provide a logical process you can use for assessing the motive, intent and involvement of non-human intelligence (NHI) in our world. With this we will explore the evidence and capabilities available for making an accurate assessment of who these beings are, what they are doing and what their overall agenda is in making contact with the human species. In addition, I will examine the impact these agendas may have on the process of Disclosure and the alternate pathways available for gaining public insight into the visitation taking place in our world.